
VERi membership form

* Email Address
* Full name
* Date of birth
* Address
* Suburb
* State

* Postcode
* Phone number
* Membership type

Additional members for family membership
Direct deposits to...
Bendigo Bank
Vintage Enduro Riders inc.
BSB 633 000
Account No 149515694
Reference your full name
All membership renewals due 1st July
Please list motorcycles currently Club Permit Registered
By joining VERi all memberss accept the following clauses,
1. If VERi or representative deems it necessary, we will call an ambulance to attend to an injured rider. It is up to all riders to ensure they have ambulance coverage. We won't ask permission first.
2. VERi reserves all other rights during the course of any event, including the right to exclude riders or machines; make changes to any event at short notice, and any other decisions the club deems necessary during the course of any events.

Or alternatively you can download the form, fill it out, and

  • post it to us,
  • email it to, or
  • pass it on in person at an event

If posting the form and / or cheque please send to:

PO Box 472
Victoria 3844

For membership info contact:

Please note that if you are renewing your membership for the next financial year (2022 - 2023) you do not need to fill out the form again, simply quote your membership number and/or your name.

If paying by bank deposit, please include your membership number and name as the reference. If you can't remember or don't know your number, then just your name will do,

Bendigo Bank
Account name - Vintage Enduro Riders inc.
BSB - 633 000
Account No. - 149515694
Reference: Your number and/or name

Membership fees

Single $50.00 per year
Family $ 65.00 per year

Memberships are valid from 1st July to the 30th of June